Over the past two years NABERS has been consulting on how best to adapt to the emerging energy trends. These trends include the decarbonisation of the grid and the increasing number of net zero targets amongst others.
NABERS has engaged through several channels, such as our previous public consultation. As a direct result of the feedback gathered so far, this new consultation paper seeks feedback on one additional change being proposed. This change involves the retirement of the NABERS Energy with GreenPower rating tool. We are keen to understand any impacts from the retirement of this tool, and how they might be addressed.
Key topics in this consultation paper include:
- Summary of changes approved so far as part of the Future of NABERS Energy
- How NABERS seeks to reward the use of renewable energy, by:
- Introducing a Renewable Energy Indicator, and
- Retiring the NABERS Energy with GreenPower rating tool
Consultation was open from 20/09/2021 to 25/10/2021. We received 15 submissions in response to our consultation paper. Most submissions were supportive of the proposed changes. Where concerns have been raised, NABERS will be further engaging with stakeholders to understand how we can better address these concerns.
If you have any questions please contact Corine Mulet at corine.mulet@environment.nsw.gov.au or 02 9995 6874.
As part of the consultation, NABERS hosted a Webinar on Tuesday 12 October 2021 to present the information in the consultation paper and held a Q&A session. You can watch a recording of the webinar below.