Use NABERS to understand and track the performance of your office building, office space, apartment building, data centre, shopping centre or hotel.
Apartment Buildings
An Australian first for high density residential buildings, NABERS can now help owners to understand the energy and water efficiency of their building’s common property areas, and in turn find opportunities to improve.
Co-Assess for Business
Co-Assess Application helps you improve the energy efficiency and environmental impact of your work space.
Data Centres
NABERS Data Centre ratings can help IT and facilities owners, managers and tenants assess, compare and improve the energy performance of their Data Centre.
NABERS Hotel ratings provide a simple indication of how well the environmental impacts of a hotel are being managed, compared to other Australian hotels.
Office Buildings
NABERS ratings for Office Buildings include energy, water, waste and indoor environment. You can use NABERS to rate a tenancy, base building or whole building.
Office Tenancies
Use the NABERS Tenancy rating to improve the energy efficiency and environmental impact of your work space.
Public Hospitals
NABERS Energy and Water for public hospitals rates the efficiency and environmental impact of entire hospital campuses.
Residential Aged Care
A NABERS rating identifies areas for cost savings and building improvements leading to better outcomes for residential aged care communities.
Retail Stores
NABERS ratings for Retail Stores help quantify the energy performance of retail stores inside shopping centres and standalone.
Retirement Living
A NABERS rating for retirement living facilities helps creates a healthy space for retired citizens to live a life of independence and leisure.
NABERS Energy and Water ratings are available for all public and non-government schools.
Shopping Centres
You can use NABERS for Shopping Centres to rate the central services and common areas of retail shopping centres in Australia.
Warehouses and Cold Stores
NABERS ratings for Warehouses and Cold Stores quantify your building’s energy performance.
Other buildings
NABERS Energy Performance Indicator ratings are available for select building types and sectors.